Why handing out tablets and PCs will not improve the education system
Many well-meaning philanthropists , NGOs, educators, politicians and Govt officials naively believe that the easiest way to fix our broken education system is to provide internet access to kids from low income families, so that they have access to the wealth of high quality learning resources available online. This is a hopelessly naïve dream for multiple reasons . For one thing, poor kids have multiple disadvantages , which have nothing to do with their lack of access to technology , but everything to do with their low socio-economic status , which means that simply providing them with PCs will not solve this problem . It’s all very well to talk about giving them tablets at home , but unless they have a supportive home environment that encourages them to study , and they have enough free time to be able to do so , this is going to remain a pipe dream. Many NGOs use corporate CSR funds to donate PCs to the Government schools to which these kids go with the hope that this will bridge the digital divide. However, the reality is that schools are designed to complete the curriculum , and most kids will never get a chance to use the PC , because this is not part of their syllabus . Most school teachers feel that teaching kids how to use PCs becomes an additional burden for which they don’t get paid any extra , so they aren’t very supportive of this in real life. They prefer sticking to the old chalk-and-talk lecture method they have been using for years, and see no need to change. Principals are happy to pose with donors in these fancy new PC labs, but most of these PCS remain locked up in cupboards, and kids get to use them for only 1-2 hours every week, which defeats the entire purpose of the PC ! Many of these PCs break down, and there is no budget to maintain and repair them, so they soon become obsolete white elephants. Governments are happy to tom-tom about how they are digitizing schools by providing them with PCs, but most of these schools do not have WiFi, as a result of which the kids can’t access the internet, and these remain as show-pieces, to be trotted out during photo-ops with visiting dignitaries ! This means that the utilisation of these PCs is very poor , and the big problem is that no one is really tracking the learning outcomes achieved by these technological interventions , as a result of which most of them end up doing very little good to the end users . This is the problem we are solving at www.apnipathshala.org by running various experiments to see how community-based digital learning pods can help to make education available, accessible and affordable !
Why are parents reluctant to explore homeschooling?
For many parents, homeschooling is a fascinating concept that promises flexibility, individualized attention, and control over what their child learns. However, despite its growing popularity, many parents remain hesitant to explore homeschooling as an option. Let’s explore some reasons why parents may be reluctant to homeschool their children. One of the most common reasons parents cite for not homeschooling their children is the lack of time. Many parents already lead busy lives and struggle to find time to balance work, household responsibilities, and their children’s needs. Adding homeschooling to the mix can seem overwhelming. Another reason parents may be reluctant to explore homeschooling is a lack of confidence in their teaching abilities. Parents may feel that they don’t have the necessary knowledge or skills to teach their children effectively. They may worry that their children will fall behind or not receive the same quality of education as they would in a traditional school. It is important to note that homeschooling does not require parents to be a classroom teacher or subject matter experts. The world’s best teachers teach online – and many do this for free at world-class resources such as YouTube University, Khan Academy, and www.magnetbrains.com. Many of these are mapped to the school curriculum as well! Additionally, parents can seek out support from homeschooling communities like www.aslishiksha.com and other homeschooling parents to share ideas and advice. Parenting can be challenging, and many parents crave time away from their children to pursue their own interests and hobbies. Homeschooling requires parents to spend a significant amount of time with their children, which can be overwhelming for some parents. Homeschooling does not mean nagging your kids to study. It means allowing them the freedom to learn for themselves, without getting trapped in a school classroom, listening to boring lectures from bored teachers! And homeschooling allows you to spend plenty of quality time with your children, creating a much deeper bond and stronger relationship. Homeschooling can be viewed as an unconventional choice, and some parents may worry about what others will think of their decision. They may fear that their children will be judged or stigmatized for not attending a traditional school, or that they will face criticism from friends and family. It is essential to remember that homeschooling is a legitimate and legal option for educating children. Homeschooling parents should focus on their children’s needs and what works best for their family, rather than worrying about what others may think. Another common concern among parents is that homeschooling may lead to social isolation for their children. Parents worry that their children will miss out on socialization opportunities and not develop the social skills necessary to thrive in the world. However, homeschooling does not have to be a solitary experience – they aren’t trapped at home, and get to learn from real-life experiences all the time. Life is full of teaching moments – and homeschooling allows you to make the most of these, by encouraging them to interact with people of different ages and backgrounds, rather than only the homogenous group of kids of the same age that they are exposed to in a school setting. Homeschooling provides children with more flexibility to pursue extracurricular activities and hobbies that may not be available in a traditional school setting.