Apni Pathshala

Why does your Child hate school?

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela According to a recent study, nearly 50% of students report feeling stressed or anxious about school every single day. That’s half of our kids entering schools with a sense of fear rather than excitement. “Why does my child hate school?” is one of the questions that is common among several teachers, parents and community leaders. The question that they face when they see their child hating to go to school.  Now, don’t get me wrong—schools play a crucial role in our society but have you ever actually wondered and asked yourself the reason behind this? You’re not alone. Knowing the main causes behind this hatred is important for understanding this problem.  Education is changing, and the traditional model of schooling is not the only option for parents and teachers anymore. Through this blog, we aim to explain to you the issues that scare your kids when they think about going to school. Understanding the Core Problem: Why School Might be a Nightmare? Students feel confused when they are expected to understand a wide range of subjects in a limited time due to an overloaded curriculum. Imagine a child having to learn 8 subjects and those 8 subjects having 8 more chapters to learn from. A feeling of frustration and hate towards school emerges due to this pressure. It is no surprise kids will start hating the learning process too. For instance, imagine a student who is passionate about studying but is overburdened by the vast syllabus that he has to study to pass his exams. Not only will the student feel stressed about the whole situation but his passion to study will not only fade away but he will develop a feeling of fear and hatred towards schools. Instead of being encouraged to explore their interests and talents, he is boxed into a narrow path that might not align with their natural abilities. Another reason why kids lose interest in school is because it can be boring. Many schools still use old teaching methods like long lectures and reading from textbooks. Imagine sitting through that without any fun activities. It’s no wonder kids feel disconnected from what they’re learning. On the other hand, social media, YouTube, and other online content are super interesting and exciting. They grab kids’ attention easily with videos, games, and interactive content. For example, if a student is being taught the concept of atoms in chemistry through a long lecture without any visual reference, he will not find it relevant as he cannot find the uses of atoms in his life or what atoms even are. On the contrary, if he is taught through visual animations or presentations about atoms and molecules, he will learn and understand the concepts much faster and more easily. The true meaning of teaching a child lies in helping the child to learn more, ask more questions and try to solve problems. However, modern teaching methods fail to do this as they prefer rote learning and repetitive tasks. This makes the quality of education poor. Asking questions outside the syllabus is punished and students are trained to speak answers like a machine. Students find it hard to connect with teaching when it fails to truly make them understand. Similarly, a teacher of a large classroom cannot give individual attention to 50 students at once, help them all fix their mistakes as well teach them equally at the same time. They also have to catch up with the large syllabus. This leads to some students being left behind on the syllabus or stuck on mistakes with the teacher unable to help them. When students find the learning material boring, their motivation to study becomes zero. Students fail to find the connection between what they are learning and what they want to do in their future careers. This disconnection can make school seem pointless, leading to frustration and disinterest. Similarly, when students lack relevant knowledge or background in a subject, it becomes challenging for them to grasp new concepts. For instance, if a group of students in a math class hasn’t fully understood the basics of algebra, they will struggle to follow when the teacher introduces more complex topics like quadratic equations. This gap in understanding can cause confusion and frustration, as these students are unable to connect the new material with what they should have learned earlier. Consequently, they fall further behind their peers, and the teacher may not have the time to revisit basic concepts due to the pressure of covering the entire syllabus. How Can You Help Your Child? Being a parent we understand this, but how do we help our child? Can we in any way help them love the learning process? Yes, let’s see how: Bringing interactive and hands-on activities in schools can make learning more interesting. Project-based learning, experiments, and real-world applications help students see the value of what they are learning. Motivating students to tell their concerns and feelings can help to lower stress. Open communication between students, parents, and teachers allows for support and help. Training teachers to identify learning difficulties ensures that students receive the help they need. Development in this area can improve teaching and support for all students. Programs that teach stress management techniques, such as relaxation exercises, mindfulness and meditation can help students deal with stress and pressure. Fusing a balanced approach to academics and extracurricular activities is beneficial. Providing resources such as counselling services, academic support, and parenting workshops helps families identify issues related to school. Providing guidance and assistance makes sure that students and parents have the tools they need to understand each other Understanding why your child hates school is the first step toward making their experience from one of hate to one of joy. It’s important to identify that these feelings are often caused due to reasons outside of academics. Remember, the goal is not to force your child

How can you become a Successful Apni Pathshala pod?

Discover how ApniPathshala is transforming education in India through the power of computer literacy, one student at a time.

Ritesh’s Remarkable Journey: A 14-year-old who is earning more than college students

“Confidence and hard work are the best medicines to kill the disease called failure. It will make you a successful person.” – Abdul Kalam A story of hard work, passion and dedication that can inspire many kids! This is the story of Ritesh, a boy who discovered a new world of possibilities when he joined Apni Pathshala. Coming from a below-middle-class family, it was challenging for Ritesh to pursue even basic education. This didn’t stop Ritesh from chasing his dreams as these obstacles made him more determined to pursue his passion. Ritesh was a boy in seventh grade who had a dream: to support his family by studying and earning money. Even when facing many challenges, his determination pushed him forward and life gave him a golden chance when he first stepped through the doors of Apni Pathshala, which encouraged him to find the passion within himself and pursue his dreams. Visiting Apni Pathshala: An Experience that Changed His Life Ritesh’s story began at Naryana Chandra Trust Fund in  Mumbai where he first visited Apni Pathshala through an exhibition where students were showing classroom innovations. Ritesh was amazed at the view of students learning what they found interesting. This motivated him to join the Apni Pathshala classroom to start studying in this amazing classroom. Before joining Apnipathshala he did not even know how to use a computer. Soon after, Ritesh enrolled in the Narayana Chandra Trust Fund in the 7th standard. But with constant hard work and eagerness to learn, Ritesh mastered computers. He learned to use Word, Excel, and Canva to design. But Ritesh knew that this was not enough for him to support his family. So, he started learning complex topics like Web Development, Game Development, and WordPress.  Imagine a child in 7th class learning complex topics at the college level! It sounds impossible to accomplish but Ritesh was not giving up. He was eager to learn and he did. With dedicated hard work and support from the Apni Pathshala family, he was able to master these complex topics in just 3-4 months! His quick learning of these skills was nothing short of impressive. Ritesh’s enthusiasm and commitment did not go unnoticed. He completed his initial courses with flying courses, showing remarkable dedication to helping others. He started taking on projects independently and assisting with classroom management. ApniPathshala’s Effort in Helping Ritesh Apni Pathshala recognized Ritesh’s dedication and offered him a unique opportunity. He was paid 1000 rupees per month for his work, helping other students in learning and contributing to a learning community. Despite his young age, Ritesh demonstrated a keen understanding of the subjects he taught. It was during this time that he was not allowed to sit in certain classes due to his fees not being paid because of his struggling family. Ritesh took up the task of paying his fees by completing unfinished projects for Apni Pathshala. This work not only helped him earn money but also made a name for himself in the Naryana Chandra Trust Fund. With his earnings, he was able to pay his fees. Ritesh’s determination was undeniable, as he was approached by NCT officials to be hired as a junior mentor. By the time he reached 8th standard, Ritesh had become a junior mentor at Apni Pathshala, a remarkable achievement for an eighth-grader. This role allowed him to teach a new batch of students. His expertise in web development, video editing, and coding made him a valuable member of the NCT family. Ritesh’s story isn’t over, he is just starting. His passion for learning didn’t stop at coding. He is also deeply interested in ethical hacking, a field he is currently pursuing with excitement. His journey from a curious learner to a full-time mentor sets an example to show the power of education and support.  His story is a motivation of hope and inspiration for many struggling children out there. Today, he helps to achieve the dreams of many Riteshs like him, playing an important role in education, as Apni Pathshala did for him. The Role of Apni Pathshala in Ritesh’s Sucess Apni Pathshala played an important role in Ritesh’s journey. The support and encouragement he received helped him overcome financial and personal challenges. The scholarship from the Narayana Chandra Trust Fund was a game-changer, enabling him to learn alongside college students and gain skills in languages like Java, JavaScript, and HTML. The supportive learning environment at Apni Pathshala provided Ritesh with the tools and opportunities he needed to excel. His story is proof to the impact of a nurturing educational community. All it takes is the courage to take that first step and the determination to see it through. With the right support, like that offered by Apni Pathshala.

What are the alternatives to traditional schooling?

Discover how ApniPathshala is transforming education in India through the power of computer literacy, one student at a time.

Good Schooling vs Good Schools

Ever wonder what really makes a school great? Is it the teachers, the buildings, or something deeper? What if it’s the values and life skills taught there? When choosing for your child, should you focus on good schooling or good schools? Let’s break down why both matter and how they play different but essential roles in a child’s education. What role does Good Schooling play? Think about the difference between just knowing facts and actually understanding the world around you. Good schooling isn’t just about memorizing dates and formulas; it’s about teaching students how to think critically. Imagine a classroom where kids are encouraged to ask “why” and “how” instead of just accepting information as it is. When students learn to think this way, they don’t just learn—they start to love learning. This kind of curiosity and problem-solving mindset sticks with them for life, helping them navigate all sorts of challenges, both in and out of the classroom. Good schooling is like a garden where every student can grow in their own way. It’s not just about grades and test scores; it’s about helping each child discover who they are. Schools that focus on the whole child provide a variety of activities—like sports, arts, clubs, and more—so that students can explore different interests and find what they’re passionate about. This personal growth isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s crucial. When kids find what they’re good at and what they love, they build self-esteem and a strong sense of identity. And that’s what helps them confidently take on life’s challenges. Think about the difference between just knowing facts and actually understanding the world around you. Good schooling isn’t just about memorizing dates and formulas; it’s about teaching students how to think critically. Imagine a classroom where kids are encouraged to ask “why” and “how” instead of just accepting information as it is. When students learn to think this way, they don’t just learn—they start to love learning. This kind of curiosity and problem-solving mindset sticks with them for life, helping them navigate all sorts of challenges, both in and out of the classroom. Teachers are the heart of any school, and good schooling recognizes just how important they are. Imagine a school where teachers aren’t just doing the same thing year after year but are constantly learning and improving. Good schooling invests in professional development for teachers, giving them the latest tools, techniques, and knowledge to bring into the classroom. When teachers grow, so do their students. This ongoing training means that students receive top-notch instruction that’s always evolving with the times, making sure they’re getting the best education possible. No two communities are the same, and good schooling understands that. Imagine a school that doesn’t just follow a one-size-fits-all approach but instead tailors its programs to fit the unique needs of its students. Whether it’s adjusting the curriculum to better reflect students’ cultures or introducing new subjects that match the interests of the community, good schooling is flexible and responsive. This adaptability makes learning more relevant and engaging for students because they see themselves and their world reflected in what they’re studying. It’s not just about teaching them facts; it’s about making sure those facts matter to them. What role does Good School play? Good Schools understand that the concept of education is about more than just academics and emphasises on holistic development of students.  They offer programs on life skills, social-emotional learning and character development. which encourage students to develop into individuals who are prepared for the challenges of life. By treating students respectfully and teaching the value of self-esteem and self-worth, a good school provides a supportive environment where students feel safe and valued.This includes treating students with kindness, understanding their needs and providing a safe space for learning Good Schools are committed to the well-being and health of their students. This means providing a safe environment and addressing the physical and mental health needs of students. This includes providing nutritious meals, ensuring a safe environment, and addressing the physical and mental health needs of students. When students are in perfect health, they are better able to focus on their studies and thrive in school Why do Good Schooling and Good Schools Matter for Children? Combining good schooling with good schools creates a balanced approach to education that provides the educational practices and philosophy that promote student growth and adaptability. Good schools offer a supportive environment that helps students succeed which makes sure that students receive a high-quality education that prepares them for the future. We, at Apni Pathshala, believe in the importance of both good schools and good schooling. By encouraging responsible individuals to step up as educators of tomorrow, we encourage the establishment of micro-schools, homeschools, and alternative learning classrooms. Our goal is to establish self-sustainable educational programs that equip students with essential technical and digital skills and enhance academic performance by providing resources Why Apnipathshala Stands Out? Apni Pathshala encourages community leaders, teachers, and passionate individuals to create educational programs that reflect the needs of their communities. Apni Pathshala’s  decentralized model allows for flexibility and adaptability, ensuring that education is tailored to the students it serves with the establishment of PODs,micro-schools, homeschools and alternative learning environments By providing students with access to computers and digital resources, Apni Pathshala places a strong emphasis on learning digital literacy and technical skills. This focus on technology makes sure that students are prepared for the digital world and have the skills they need to succeed. Apni Pathshala provides ongoing support and monitoring to ensure the success of its programs. By collecting weekly updates and video feedback from students, Apni Pathshala can provide tailored support and guidance to address specific needs and challenges. This approach ensures that educational programs are continuously improving and effective Conclusion: The Importance of Good Schooling and Good Schools Addressing the whole child and providing a supportive environment in the form of good schooling and good school helps students thrive as individuals. Combining the principles of

A Guide to Launch Your Learning Pod with Apnipathshala

Welcome to the journey of launching your very own Learning Pod with ApniPathshala! With over 50 pods launched and running throughout India, we are here to support and encourage you to start your own pod. So that you can make a change in your community and create an impactful educational environment. Even if you are a passionate educator or an individual who wants to make a difference in their community, we will help you launch your very own POD. Who Should Launch an Apni Pathshala Pod? So, who’s the right person to start one of these pods? Honestly, if you care about education and want to make a real difference in your community, this could be a great fit for you. You don’t have to be a tech whiz or an education expert. What you really need is the passion to help kids in your area get a better education Maybe you’re a community leader, a teacher, or just someone who’s got a bit of extra space and a big heart. If you’ve got a room in your house, a community centre, or even a classroom that’s not being used, you’ve already got a good start. Apni Pathshala provides everything else—the computers, the learning plans, and the support. All you need to bring is the desire to make a difference. What are the requirements to open the pod? First things first—let’s talk about the space you’ll need. To launch a successful Apni Pathshala pod, you’ll need a room that’s at least 20 feet by 10 feet. This isn’t just about fitting in the equipment; it’s also about creating an environment where students can learn comfortably. Think of this space as the heart of your pod—a dedicated area where computers, learning, and inspiration all come together. Next up is the infrastructure—basically, everything you need to keep the pod running smoothly.  Finally, let’s talk about the people who will make this pod come to life. By meeting these requirements, you’ll be setting the stage for a successful and impactful learning pod.  Application Process for Launching an Apni Pathshala Pod Steps to Apply for Launching a Pod 3.Wait for a Response: After you share the email, the team will take some time to review it. They receive a lot of applications, so be patient. Documents and Information Required for Application Before you start filling the application, it’s a good idea to gather some important documents and details. Here’s what you’ll likely need: – Proof of Ownership or Lease: You’ll need to show that you have a dedicated space available for the pod. This could be a room in your house, a rented space, or a community center. – Basic Infrastructure Details: Be ready to provide information about the room’s size, the number of electrical sockets available, and your internet connection speed. Remember, they require a minimum of 10 MBPS. Expected Timelines and Approval Rates Now, here’s the part where patience comes in. Apni Pathshala gets tons of applications each month, so it can take some time to hear back. Typically, they approve about 1 out of every 5 applications, so while there’s a bit of competition, don’t get discouraged! Once you submit your application, expect to wait a few weeks for a response. If your application is approved, you’ll move on to the next steps, like setting up your pod with the equipment they provide. Contact Details and Support for Application Queries Got questions along the way? No problem! Apni Pathshala is there to help. You can reach out to them through their official website’s contact page or email them directly. If you’re stuck on a particular part of the application or just want to make sure you’re on the right track, don’t hesitate to ask for help. They’re just as invested in your success as you are. Setting Up Your Pod Receiving Equipment Once your application is approved and you’re ready to launch your Apni Pathshala pod, the first step is receiving all the necessary equipment. This is an exciting moment because it’s when everything starts to feel real. Here’s what you can expect to receive:    – 10 Selligion Praho 2 Computers    – 10 Monitors    – 10 USB Webcams     – 10 Wired Keyboards and Mic:     – 10 Wired Headphones This equipment is designed to create a complete, functional learning environment where students can access the best educational resources available.    – 12-Month Usage: The equipment provided by Apni Pathshala is on loan for a 12-month period. During this time, it’s your responsibility to keep everything in good working order. This means regular maintenance, careful handling, and ensuring that the equipment is used solely for educational purposes.    – Equipment Care: Apni Pathshala expects you to take good care of the equipment so that it can be used by other pods after your 12-month period. Any misuse, such as overclocking or using the computers for non-educational activities, could result in penalties or the early removal of the equipment. By following these guidelines, you help ensure that the equipment can continue to benefit students long after your pod’s initial year of operation. Conclusion As we wrap up, let’s take a moment to reflect on the incredible benefits and impact of launching an Apni Pathshala pod. By creating a space dedicated to learning, you’re not just providing students with access to computers and the internet—you’re opening doors to a brighter future. These pods are more than just rooms filled with equipment; they are hubs of opportunity where children from underserved communities can explore, discover, and grow. Don’t hesitate—take that step today. Your community is ready for this, and with your help, we can build a future where every child has access to the education they deserve. Let’s make it happen, together.

What is Apnipathshala?

Education is the foundation of success in the modern world. Digital literacy is considered as important as traditional literacy. Even then, many children in many areas across India are unable to access digital world. They lack access to the resources and tools needed to acquire these skills. This is where Apni Pathshala comes,by becoming a symbol of opportunity and hope. Apni Pathshala: Empowering Education, One Community at a time Apni Pathshala is an educational initiative that encourages teachers, community leaders and individuals who care about providing better education with help of technology. We help these people with resources so that they can start small schools, homeschools or other types of learning spaces in their communities in the form of PODs. This helps children get a personalised education that suits their needs. Establishing a learning pod is more than just setting up a room with computers; it’s about creating a space where students can learn, grow, and achieve their dreams. By providing the necessary infrastructure and support, you’re helping to make education accessible to those who need it most. Apni Pathshala doesn’t control how or what these educators teach; rather we support them with tools and resources and monitor their progress to ensure students are learning effectively. How Apni Pathshala Works? Apni Pathshala works by helping community leaders, teachers and educators set up an interactive learning environment where children can have proper education for growth by creating small schools in the form of homeschools or other personalised learning spaces as well as providing resources. These educators can then create lessons that fit the needs of their communities. Apni Pathshala encourages these with guidance and resources, ensuring students get a good education. Here’s how it works: Providing ResourcesApni Pathshala supplies computers to community leaders and educators. This initial step is crucial as it lays the foundation for creating a digital learning environment. Establishing Learning PodsWith the computers provided, educators can set up learning pods. These pods can take the form of micro-schools, homeschools, or alternative learning classrooms. Each pod is tailored to the community’s specific needs, making education accessible and relevant. Flexible Curriculum DesignEducators have the freedom to design and implement curricula that best meet their students’ needs. This flexibility ensures that the learning experience is personalised and effective. The local educators understand their community better than anyone else, allowing them to. Monitoring ProgressApni Pathshala has taken the role to be a supportive foundation not directive, We do not teach or dictate what to teach. Instead, we track progress through video feedback and weekly updates from each PODs. This approach allows for specific guidance and support, addressing specific needs and challenges faced by each POD or classroom. Mission Of Apni Pathshala The final goal of Apni Pathshala is to develop a self-sustainable educational space that can help students get better acquainted with learning new digital skills and develop themselves. By encouraging local community leaders and educators to take the initiative, Apni Pathshala aims to revolutionise the traditional education system and promote independent education. Why Digital Literacy Matters?Digital literacy is an important asset in the modern world. It’s a necessity. Here’s why it’s so important: Future Job ProspectsDigital skills are essential for most jobs today. By providing students with these skills, we prepare them for the future job market. Access to InformationDigital literacy enables students to access a wealth of information and resources online. This broadens their learning horizons and provides them a deep learning experience Bridging the Digital DivideBy helping kids across India to acquire digital skills to empower their lives, we help bridge the digital divide. This promotes equality and provides everyone with the opportunity to succeed. Promoting Online Tools of Learning One of the most important aspects of Apni Pathshala is to promote the use of online tools for learning. Apni Pathshala provides free online courses in various subjects, helping students learn essential digital skills. Free Online CoursesApni Pathshala offers a range of free online courses, including: Calling all Community Leaders and Teachers Apni Pathshala empowers teachers and community leaders to step up as educators and empower the kids in their communities through digital learning efforts. Community members’ involvement is very crucial for the future of these kids. Why should you step up as an educator?You know the needs of your community more than anyone else as a teacher or community leader. Your initiative can make an impact for the community and change students’ lives for the better: Our Success PODs Stories Transforming Learning at Bal Vikas Montessori Coding and Web Development at Narayan Chandra Trust STEAM Education at MakersBox Foundation The Power of Community The success of Apni Pathshala lies in the power of community. By coming together, we can make a significant impact on education. Here’s how you can get involved: Contact Us If you’re interested in getting involved with Apni Pathshala or want to learn more, please contact us. Together, we can create a brighter future for our children. If you’re interested in getting involved with Apni Pathshala or want to learn more, please contact us. Together, we can create a brighter future for our children.