Apni Pathshala

What is a Learning Pod?

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”  — Benjamin Franklin According to a study conducted, it has been found that the schooling system in India has an outdated education system. It relies on an old curriculum that focuses on a coarse irrelevant syllabus which is not useful now. But, We as parents want the best for our children to make their learning more interesting. So, the next question is “What is a flexible way for children to learn?” Imagine a learning environment designed to their needs, led by someone who understands their unique strengths.  But worry not, because, with the introduction of many alternatives to traditional schooling, you can choose the mode of education that suits best for your child. Among these alternatives, Learning Pods have emerged to become a popular alternative to traditional schooling. What Exactly Is a Learning Pod? A learning pod, in simple terms, is a focused group of children in relatively small institutions to focus on the overall development of every child studying there, serving their unique needs and helping them get better. A learning pod operates on the principle of small, focused groups. Students receive focused attention and support, which is often missing in larger classrooms. The environment encourages active participation in classes. This setup allows students to learn at their own speed and dive into subjects deeply. Take, for example, a student in a large classroom with hundreds of students who will not feel appreciated or seen in a huge crowd as he is not being singled out or being looked at enough to see his or her mistakes. This leads to a decline in the self-esteem of students who feel that they are not good enough and will go on to have this lack of self-esteem in college or their work life. Similarly, a teacher of a large classroom cannot give individual attention to 50 students at once, help them all fix their mistakes as well teach them equally at the same time. They also have to catch up with the large syllabus. This leads to some students being left behind on the syllabus or stuck on mistakes with the teacher unable to help them. You must be thinking that you need to send your kid to school, right? Yes that’s where learning pods come in. Why Are Learning Pods Gaining Popularity? The appeal of learning pods is growing for several reasons. One of the reasons is attention to every student. The curriculum is also designed for the special needs of every student attending the pod. How Does a Learning Pod Work? A learning pod doesn’t need a traditional classroom. It can be set up in various spaces, such as a home, community centre, or a local library. The focus is on creating a comfortable and lively learning environment in which students can receive education and learn. The curriculum in a learning pod is often designed to meet the student’s needs. Educators or facilitators create lessons that focus on the group’s interests and learning goals. This might include hands-on activities, project-based learning, and interactive discussions. For instance, imagine a passionate and responsible individual who starts a learning pod near your locality. Not only will he have a focused smaller group of students to teach, but each of the students will receive individual attention to work on their mistakes and have a personalized learning experience that suits their learning style and their pace of learning. Real-Life Success Stories Many learning pods have already made a positive impact. For instance, more than 1,000 students across 8+ cities have enrolled in Apnipathshala pod, pods run by community leaders. Apni Pathshala has many such stories of success.. One such motivating story is of 14-year-old Ritesh, earning more than college students in the 9th class with help and support from the Narayana Chandra Trust Fund. You can read his success story here. How does Apni Pathshala help in Learning Pods? Apni Pathshala is an educational initiative to encourage teachers, community leaders and individuals who care about providing better education with the help of technology.  We help passionate individuals with resources so that they can start small schools, homeschools or other types of learning spaces in their communities in the form of PODs. This helps children get a focused education that suits their needs.  Apni Pathshala works by helping community leaders, teachers and educators set up a lively learning environment where children can have proper education for growth by creating small schools in the form of homeschools or other such learning spaces as well as providing resources. How can you start your Learning Pod with Apni Pathshala? Are you excited about the idea of starting a learning pod? Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started. Step 1: Understand the Needs of the Community Start by understanding the educational needs in your community. Talk to parents, teachers, and community leaders. What gaps exist in the current educational system? What are the specific needs of students in your area? Step 2: Gather a Group of Passionate Individuals A learning pod stands on dedication. Connect with individuals who are passionate about education and eager to contribute. This could include teachers, parents, or community volunteers. Step 3: Design Your Learning Pod Decide on the structure of your pod. How many students will it serve? What subjects or skills will it focus on? Will you operate from a specific location or be mobile? Planning these details will help you create a clear vision for your pod. Step 4: Develop a System Create a curriculum that meets the needs of your students. This should include engaging activities, interactive lessons, and assessments. Remember, flexibility is key. Be ready to change the curriculum based on the student’s interests. Step 5: Set Up Your Space Prepare your learning environment. It should be inviting and well-organized. Make sure you have the necessary resources and materials. Whether you are using a dedicated classroom or a shared space, ensure it supports a positive learning experience. Step 6:

How did MakersBox manage to Change the Lives of Children?

“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.” -Martin Luther King Jr. Education today is evolving, moving away from traditional textbook-based approaches and leaning towards skills that prepare students for real-world challenges. This is the mission that MakersBox, a learning pod founded by Harpreet Ma’am and Gagan Sir, has taken on since its inception. Launched in 2019, MakersBox recently partnered with Apni Pathshala to extend its reach and continue transforming the educational landscape. Starting as a small centre to educate children in practical skills, witness how MakersBox began its mission, the challenges faced, and how it has successfully helped students by encouraging creativity, critical thinking, and hands-on learning. A Vision Beyond Textbooks: How MakersBox Came to be? MakersBox began as a dream shared by Harpreet Ma’am and Gagan Sir, both passionate educators with a desire to teach real-life skills beyond the limitations of traditional education. Their vision was clear: prepare students for the real world by equipping them with practical, hands-on knowledge Established in 2019, MakersBox aimed to fill the gap between theoretical learning and practical application, focusing on essential skills like robotics, coding, video editing, and digital tools such as Figma and Canva. However, getting this idea off the ground wasn’t easy. Initially, they faced significant challenges—limited resources, space, and awareness in the community about the importance of practical education. How did this Journey start? In June 2021, MakersBox began with just a few systems, electronic kits, and 3D printers in a small robotics lab. Despite the limited space and resources, Harpreet Ma’am and Gagan Sir persevered. Word of mouth and pamphlets were their primary tools for reaching out to the community. Their hard work paid off when a small group of 3-4 children from class 3rd to class 8th started showing up to learn. Their efforts soon expanded, and higher-grade students and even college students joined the pod. Yogita Ma’am played a pivotal role in helping MakersBox grow by providing access to a computer lab and supporting the efforts to spread awareness. The Mission of MakersBox: Learning By Doing MakersBox has a simple yet powerful belief: Education should be more than just theory. It should inspire students to explore, create, and solve real-world problems. Their mission is to teach students practical skills that are directly focused to the ever-changing world outside the classroom. A major focus is on the 4 C’s in educating children: MakersBox uses a project-based learning approach, where students learn by doing. Whether it’s coding, robotics, or video editing, students engage with the materials actively rather than passively absorbing information. This not only boosts their knowledge but also builds confidence in their ability to tackle real-life challenges. Unique Hiring Approach: Learning from Within One of the most unique aspects of MakersBox is its approach to hiring. Rather than looking for external candidates, MakersBox often hires students who have learned within the pod. These students, now equipped with advanced skills, help teach the next generation of learners. This approach not only ensures that the teaching style remains consistent but also empowers students to take ownership of their education and give back to the community. Successes & Key Achievements of MakersBox MakersBox has seen incredible growth since its early days. The pod has become a space where students of all backgrounds come together to learn, create, and grow. Events organized in collaboration with Apni Pathshala have been a great success, allowing students to showcase their work and creativity to the community. Key Achievements: One of the most significant successes has been the involvement of alumni—students who once learned at MakersBox now contribute by teaching their peers and helping the next generation of learners. How did MakersBox Overcome Challenges? While MakersBox has achieved much, there have been ongoing challenges. One of the biggest hurdles has been maintaining consistency in student attendance and participation. For many students, this style of learning is entirely new, and the journey of making it part of their routine has required continuous effort. Additionally, spreading awareness about the importance of practical skills—especially in areas where traditional education dominates—has been a challenge. However, with time and the support of parents and community leaders, MakersBox has been able to expand its reach and impact. Success Stories that Have Transformed Lives MakersBox has changed the lives of countless students. One such story is that of Monu, a student from a government school who joined the pod in 2021. Initially shy and unsure of his abilities, Monu soon learned to excel in robotics and coding. He now helps teach his peers and has become an inspiration for others in his community. Another success story is that of a student who joined MakersBox in 2023 with no prior experience in digital skills. Through hands-on learning and mentorship, she is now proficient in various digital tools and has found direction in their academic and career aspirations by starting a YouTube Channel. Join the Initiative MakersBox is more than just a learning pod—it’s a community of innovators, creators, and problem solvers. As part of Apni Pathshala, MakersBox is committed to continuing its mission of teaching practical skills and empowering students to succeed in the real world. We invite teachers, community leaders, and parents to join us in this journey. Together, we can transform education, moving beyond textbooks to a world where learning is hands-on, engaging, and fun. Let’s equip the next generation with the skills they need to succeed. Contact us today to learn more about how you can be a part of this incredible movement.

From NalaSopara to New Delhi: How Abhinav transformed his life with Apni Pathshala?

“The only limit to our realisation of tomorrow will be our doubts about today” – Franklin D. Roosevelt This is the story of Abhinav Dubey, an 18-year-old college goer who changed his life when he joined Apni Pathshala. He wasn’t just another college student attending classes; he was someone who carried within him a burning passion to learn, grow, and make a difference. Abhinav, with the support from Apni Pathshala, transformed his life from a small start to a successful career in Delhi. Abhinav was born and raised in Nala Sopara, a small town in the suburbs of Mumbai. His father worked tirelessly in a sales job, making ends meet for the family. Despite their financial limitations, Abhinav was always driven by a strong drive to learn. He was a first-year BCA student at Thakur College, eager to learn and make a mark in the world.  But deep down, he knew that attending college wasn’t enough. He wanted more.  He knew that to truly make a difference, he needed more—more skills, more opportunities, more ways to support his family. The experience of joining and learning at Apni Pathshala changed Abhinav’s life for the better. A Life-Changing Experience at Apni Pathshala In 2021, Abhinav took a step that would change his life forever—he joined Apni Pathshala through the Narayana Chandra Trust (NCT) in Mumbai. This wasn’t just another educational program; it was a place where Abhinav felt he could finally start to build the future he dreamed of. Among 120 other eager learners, he found himself diving into the world of computers and web development, something that immediately sparked his interest. But Abhinav wasn’t just another face in the crowd. His passion for learning quickly set him apart from the others. He wasn’t just absorbing information; he was hungry for more, always asking questions, always pushing himself to understand every detail. It wasn’t long before he discovered a special interest in WordPress development. For Abhinav, this wasn’t just about learning a new skill—it was about finding something he could be truly good at, something that could open doors to new opportunities. At Apni Pathshala, Abhinav found more than just a place to study. He found a community that believed in him, mentors who encouraged his curiosity, and peers who shared his enthusiasm. This experience wasn’t just about gaining knowledge; it was about discovering his potential and realizing that he had the power to shape his own future. The skills he learned here weren’t just tools for a job—they were the building blocks of a new life, one where his dreams started to feel within reach. ApniPathshala’s Effort in Helping Abhinav At Apni Pathshala, Abhinav found something truly special—mentors who saw the spark in him and recognized his potential. They didn’t just teach him; they encouraged him to dive deeper, to explore WordPress development more thoroughly. They knew he had something special, and they pushed him to bring it out. Abhinav’s enthusiasm was contagious. As he gained confidence in his skills, he didn’t keep his knowledge to himself. Instead, he started sharing what he had learned with his fellow students, stepping into a leadership role almost naturally. Teaching others wasn’t just about helping them; it was about reinforcing his own learning and growing even more. But Abhinav’s journey didn’t stop at the classroom. He wanted real-world experience, and Apni Pathshala gave him just that. He began working on actual projects, putting his skills to the test. One of the most significant projects he took on was developing the website for BeyondChats. This wasn’t just any project—it was a chance to showcase everything he had learned, to prove to himself and others that he was capable of great things. Through these experiences, Abhinav didn’t just become a skilled developer; he became a leader, someone who could guide others while continuing to grow himself. Apni Pathshala didn’t just give him knowledge—it empowered him to take charge of his own future. Building Dreams and Breaking Myths Abhinav’s journey wasn’t without challenges. There’s a common misconception that WordPress development isn’t a viable career option and that it’s too basic. His work at Apni Pathshala and BeyondChats proved that with dedication and the right skills, WordPress development could lead to a fulfilling and successful career. As he continued to take on more freelance projects, Abhinav’s confidence grew. He completed hundreds of freelance projects, each one honing his skills and building his reputation. His work wasn’t just about earning money; it was about creating something valuable, something that could make a difference.  By the time he graduated, Abhinav had transformed from a curious student into a skilled web developer with a promising career ahead of him. The Success of Abhinav with the Help of Apni Pathshala Today, Abhinav is doing well in Delhi, thriving in a career that once seemed out of reach. His journey from a 12th-grade student at Thakur College to a successful web developer is a symbol of hope for many. He started his journey in a 1RK (one-room kitchen) home in Nala Sopara, with dreams of doing something meaningful.  Today, Abhinav has a stable job in Delhi, working in an industry that he loves. His journey from Nala Sopara to Delhi is proof of what passion, hard work, and the right opportunities can achieve. For college graduates, Abhinav’s story is a reminder that the path to success isn’t always straightforward. It’s filled with challenges, but with determination and the right support, anything is possible.  Abhinav’s journey is an inspiration, not just for students, but for anyone who has ever faced obstacles on their way to achieving their dreams. The Role of Apni Pathshala Apni Pathshala played an important role in Abhinav’s journey. It wasn’t just a place to learn; it was a community that nurtured his talents and provided him with the resources he needed to succeed. The support from the Narayana Chandra Trust Fund was a game-changer for Abhinav, allowing him to pursue his passion At Apni Pathshala, Abhinav found more than