Apni Pathshala

What problems are the kids facing these days?

In 2024, children are growing up in a world that is changing faster than ever before. From the rise of new technologies like chatGPT and AI to the impact of global events like pandemics and climate change, kids today face unique challenges that are different from what their parents or grandparents experienced. They are constantly connected to screens, navigating the ups and downs of social media, and dealing with pressures both at home and school. Why does this matter? Because these challenges can affect how children grow, learn, and feel. When kids face too much stress or don’t get the support they need, it can hurt their mental and physical health. That’s why it’s so important to understand what they’re going through and find ways to help them thrive. By recognizing these problems and working together—whether as parents, teachers, or communities—we can create a safer, healthier, and happier world for our children to grow up in.  Digital Overload and Screen Time These days, kids are spending more time than ever in front of screens. Whether it’s for online classes, playing video games, or scrolling through social media, screens have become a big part of their everyday lives. While technology has its benefits, all this screen time comes with some serious downsides. For starters, being glued to screens for hours can affect kids’ mental health. They might feel more anxious, stressed, or even depressed. It can also make it harder for them to focus and pay attention, both in school and in everyday activities. Then there are the physical problems: staring at a screen all day can strain their eyes, cause headaches, and lead to vision problems. Plus, sitting for long periods often means less physical activity, which can lead to poor posture and even weight issues. Finding a balance is key. While we can’t—and shouldn’t—take screens away entirely, it’s important to help kids use technology in healthy ways. Encouraging breaks, outdoor play, and activities that don’t involve screens can help protect their mental and physical health while still letting them enjoy the benefits of digital tools. Mental Health Challenges Mental health is becoming a bigger concern for kids today than ever before. We’re seeing more children dealing with anxiety, depression, and high levels of stress. This isn’t just happening to a few kids—it’s becoming a common experience for many.  Part of the problem is that there’s still a stigma around talking about mental health. Some children might feel embarrassed or afraid to speak up if they’re struggling, worried that others might not understand or even judge them. On top of that, getting help isn’t always easy. There aren’t enough mental health resources available, and not every family knows where to turn for support. The pressures kids face today are also a big part of the story. There’s a lot on their plates, from trying to meet high academic expectations at school to navigating the ups and downs of social media, where everyone seems to be comparing themselves to others. Then there’s the competition among friends and classmates, which can add even more stress. It’s important that we create a safe space where kids feel comfortable talking about their feelings and getting help when they need it. This means encouraging open conversations about mental health at home and in schools and making sure resources are available so no child feels like they have to handle their struggles alone. By doing this, we can help kids feel supported, understood, and more resilient in facing the challenges life throws their way. Cyberbullying and Online Safety For many kids, being online is just a normal part of life—whether they’re playing games, chatting with friends, or sharing pictures on social media. But with all the fun and connection that the internet offers, there are also some serious risks. One big problem is cyberbullying, which is bullying that happens online. Unlike traditional bullying, it doesn’t stop when the school day ends; it can follow kids home, continuing around the clock on their phones and computers. Hurtful comments, spreading rumors, or sharing private information without permission—these are just some ways cyberbullying happens, and it can cause real emotional pain. Then there are the privacy issues. Kids might not always understand that what they share online could be seen by more people than they think or that their data could be stolen in a breach. There’s also the danger of online predators—strangers who pretend to be friends but actually have harmful intentions. These threats can be hard for kids to recognize, especially if they don’t have the right knowledge or skills to navigate the digital world safely. Unfortunately, many children don’t receive enough guidance on how to stay safe online or learn about digital literacy, which includes knowing how to protect their personal information and act responsibly. It’s crucial that we teach kids how to use the internet wisely—like being careful about what they share, knowing how to spot a potential scam or dangerous situation, and understanding how to report and block anyone who makes them feel uncomfortable. By providing proper education and encouraging open discussions about online safety, we can help kids enjoy the benefits of the internet while staying protected from its dangers. This way, they can be confident, smart, and safe explorers of the digital world. Educational Inequities Not all children have the same access to education, and this gap has become even more noticeable since the pandemic. While some kids can easily log into their online classes or get extra help with their homework, others are struggling to keep up. This is because of something called the “digital divide”—a gap between those who have access to resources like computers, tablets, or reliable internet and those who don’t. For many children, especially in low-income families or remote areas, learning online is a big challenge simply because they lack these basic tools. And it’s not just about having the right technology. Children with disabilities or special needs often face additional hurdles when adapting to new


Imagine a world where children are more than excited to study. A world where they don’t get burned out due to academic stress. A world where they wait for mondays more than the usual sundays. Well, with the arrival of learning pods, this may now be a reality. This is the magic of learning pods- a system that breaks the shackles of traditional classrooms and invites students into a nurturing learning environment making study fun and interesting.  You must have heard a lot about learning pods, especially after Covid-19, but what are they exactly, how do they work and why do we need them?  What is a learning pod? Before we understand “why do we need learning pods?”, it’s essential to clear the basics. So, a learning pod is basically a small group of students (‘micro school’) who study together outside of a regular school, often in someone’s home or a local community space. These groups are alternative education methods, usually led by a tutor, teacher, or even a parent, offering a more personalised learning experience. Learning pods are smaller than traditional classrooms. There are n number of benefits of small group learning. Children who might feel ignored or lost in the traditional classrooms of 50-60 students, get proper guidance and attention here. Also, this allows the lessons to be more specific to their individual learning styles. And these pods are just not limited to bookish knowledge and academics, they go beyond it by focusing on students’ emotional and social growth.  Why do we need learning pods? Now that you have a clear idea of what are learning pods, it’s time to understand the “why” behind the idea. 1. Personalised Learning Experience  In a traditional classroom with 30-40 students, it’s tough for teachers to give everyone the attention they need. Let’s be honest, it’s not even possible. Some students excel, while others may feel left out. This is where learning pods stand out. With only 5 to 10 students in a group, learning pods offer a much more personalised and focused environment- providing them the benefits of small group learning. In these smaller settings, teachers can give lessons as per child’s learning pace, strengths, weakness etc. If one student is great at maths but struggles with reading, the teacher can adjust the course and content to help them grow in both areas. Similarly, if a child loves arts more than science, they can explore their interests more freely. Learning pods make sure that every student can learn in their own way, without the pressure of keeping up with an entire class. I bet this is what we all desperately wanted when we were kids. But, nonetheless- better late than never! 2. Bridging the Gaps in Traditional Education Secondly, learning pods help in closing those gaps that are left in traditional schooling. How? Let’s see. Being completely honest, traditional schools, with their strict schedules and rigid course structure, don’t always work for every child. And, that is the reason why this notion of schools being the villain was born. Because, it’s very obvious that some kids learn best by doing practical activities like games, while others prefer in smaller and quieter settings. And a normal traditional school cannot do that. But, learning pods? They are way ahead in this game. Here, learning isn’t rushed or limited  to a rigid schedule. It’s flexible, engaging, and moves at the pace of each child. Instead of just quickly going through the course material to prepare for the test, kids get to explore subjects that genuinely interest them. Most importantly, they have the freedom to study more about the topics they like. In an interview with people managing learning pods at different locations, one thing that was almost the same every time- kids staying longer than usual hours to study because of their passion and love for that subject/ topic. You wouldn’t see things like this happening in a traditional school setup. 3. Emotional Well-being and Social Connections As per a report, about one-thirds (32.6%) of the students were symptomatic of psychiatric caseness and 81.6% reported examination-related anxiety. Your child could be one of these. Is it now scary enough to grab your attention? We have to understand that mental health is real. And children too get exhausted and tired. We just cannot talk about education without addressing the emotional well-being of our children.The feeling of studying with a large group (like the crowd at Kota and famous coaching centres) makes a child overwhelmed and an environment like that can lead to children feeling disconnected or even anxious. Learning pods, however, offer a close community, where children can bond on a deeper level with both fellow students and teachers.  It is no lie that the emotional support that comes from a small group setting is invaluable. Emotional backing is one of those many benefits of small group learning. When children feel seen and heard, they grow in confidence. They learn to express themselves, ask questions without fear, and build lasting friendships. It’s not just their academic skills that develop; their emotional intelligence and social skills grow beautifully as well- which gives them an all round personality development. 4. A Safe Learning Environment  We all know what happened in 2020. Lives were changed! The COVID-19 pandemic shook the foundations of traditional education. Schools closed their doors, and millions of students had to shift to online learning. During this time, many parents realised that virtual classes just weren’t enough. They lacked the personal connection and real life engagement that kids truly require. That’s when organisations like ApniPathshala came forward with learning pods. That’s when learning pods became a lifeline for many families! With learning pods, parents and teachers could create a safe, small group setting where children continued to learn without the risks of larger classrooms. With lesser students, proper distance and hygiene- learning pods leveraged the benefits of small group learning in a great way. These pods gave parents more involvement in their child’s education,


A chinese proverb goes by “Do not confine your children to your own learning, for they were born in another time”, and i couldn’t agree more!  If I would have told anyone in the 19th century or even in the early 2000’s about the world of online education, they definitely would have laughed in my face. Because, the way everything around is changing, it’s impressive and scary at the same time. But let’s be honest, is it perfect? Ofcourse, online education has come a long long way, but still there are areas where improvements are required. To help you further, we have prepared this guide that tells 5 important steps to improve online learning by telling the right use of technology in online education and some effective online teaching methods. 1. Use Advanced Technology in Online Education Technology is the backbone of online education. By using technology like Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, online education can become more adaptive to meet unique needs of different students. Some are more comfortable with quizzes, some with video lectures and some with gamified learning. In traditional learning, you just cannot do it differently for different students. But, with technology in online education- everything is possible!  These tools also analyse student performance in real-time, suggesting additional resources, quizzes, or personalised learning methods based on each student’s weaknesses and strengths. Isn’t that a great step to improve online learning? 2. Interactive Learning Tools Now that you are doing something different than the traditional learning, you need to do something interesting and offbeat. Something that keeps children engaged. Something that makes them enjoy studying. For this, it’s essential to make use of interactive learning tools. These tools change the old boring passive learning into an active and fun process. And who doesn’t love fun? Also, the more involved a student is, the higher their retention and understanding of the material. 3. Effective Online Teaching Methods Teaching online is more than just moving a traditional class onto a screen- it’s more about how to deliver content and engage students in a virtual space. To improve online learning and make it more effective, you need to mix things up a little bit and create a learning environment that keeps students connected and motivated. Remember, we are trying to make things different from normal schooling- so you need to follow these effective online teaching methods! 4. Teach about real world issues Coming to another factor to improve online learning, which is based around engaging students using real world examples. To truly engage students, it’s important to connect classroom lessons with real-world applications. Otherwise, it will be just another regular class that we grew up despising. When students see how what they’re learning applies to real-life situations, they’re more likely to stay interested and motivated. 5. Boost Student Participation in Online Classes Do you like speaking to or teaching a wall? I bet that is what it feels like teaching a class with no student participation. Boosting student participation in online classes is essential for maintaining engagement and ensuring students stay invested in their learning. This step is extremely important if you want to improve online learning. What are the challenges in online education? Nothing’s perfect in this world. And, online education is no exception. While technology in online education offers flexibility and access to learning, there are several key challenges that educators and students face. Also, we have listed a particular solution to that specific problem that will help to improve online learning.  What is the solution?: Encourage more live sessions and group activities to include a sense of community.  What is the solution?: Schools and institutions should provide guidance on affordable tech tools or offer loan programs for students in need.  What is the solution?: Use interactive tools and gamification techniques to make learning more fun and engaging. In order to improve online learning, you need a good and balanced combination of technology, effective online teaching methods, and interactive learning tools. By focusing on these five tips, educators can significantly enhance student experiences, resulting in higher participation and course completion rates. With the right approach, online education can be just as effective-if not more-than traditional classroom settings!


Do you still imagine education and learning limited to blackboards and books? If yes, then you’re in for a surprise. The phone and laptops that were just used for watching movies and playing video games, are now an important source of learning in schools. Initially a luxury, is now a necessity. Especially post covid. Whatsapp groups, google meets have taken over the traditional schooling system.  Using digital tools in education has changed things in a big way. Schools and colleges are now using technology more and more to improve how teachers teach and how students learn. Digital education is no longer just an extra option-it’s becoming the main part of modern education. What is Digital Learning? Everyone knows what digital education and learning is, right? But, here we aim at exploring different aspects of digital learning in schools. As we all know, digital learning is any type of education that happens through technology. It can include things like online courses, virtual classrooms, and learning apps on your phone. It even includes interactive simulations that make learning feel like a game. Wanna know some more cool things about digital learning?  Why is Digital Learning Growing So Quickly? The rapid growth of digital learning can be attributed to several key reasons: What are the Main Types of Digital Learning? Did you really think digital learning in schools is only about google meets and recorded lectures?  How Will Digital Learning Improve Education? Now you would want to be eager to know how digital education has improved the overall quality of education and schools, right? So without wasting any time, let’s just hop on it. How does ApniPathshala Support Digital Learning? If we’re discussing digital learning in schools, we cannot afford to ignore a particular organisation’s work towards this goal. And that is no one other than our very own Apnipathshala! At ApniPathshala, it’s not just about online lessons-it’s about making sure every child, no matter where they come from, gets access to quality education. Here’s how they are creating a real impact: What are the challenges in Digital Learning? Obviously there is no road to success without challenges. While digital learning in schools presents numerous benefits, it’s not without its challenges. So, I hope we’ve given you a great insight on what digital education is, how digital learning in schools is going in today’s time and how online resources like various e-learning platforms and virtual classrooms have totally changed the time.  Despite the challenges, digital education is thriving and IS THE FUTURE! It is revolutionising the way education is delivered, making it more flexible and accessible. Moreover, with initiatives like ApniPathshala, even students from underserved communities can benefit from this educational revolution. Said before, gonna say it again- the future of education is digital, offering students around the world new ways to learn and grow!