Apni Pathshala


Hello Everyone !

We have some fantastic news to share with you. Apni Pathshala recently organized a portfolio-making competition, and guess what? It was a huge hit! A total of 30+ Pods, took part, and we had a whopping 160+ students showing off their amazing skills.


Each pod did something special—they created portfolios that showed off their creativity and energy. The best part? The winner of the competition gets a super cool Selligion PC  Set grand prize of worth 30 thousand! But that’s not all – the best portfolio from each pod gets a little gift too. Plus, we’re giving a big shoutout to the mentor of the winning pod, showing just how awesome our ‘Learn by Peers’ system is.

Now, here’s the really cool part. Kids from ages 12 to 18+ took part and did some really cool stuff with WordPress, coding, and website design. They used these skills to show just how creative they can be. It’s all part of Apni Pathshala’s promise to help young coders grow and shine.

We are bursting with pride because even students in 7th and 8th grades joined in! These young stars didn’t just stop at the competition; they also tried freelance work, joined hackathons, and started some amazing projects. We believe they have a bright future ahead!

Let’s talk numbers for a moment. The competition had a start date of 12/18/23 and an end date of 12/24/23, and we got a total of 181 submissions. Each pod brought its best, and the highest submission from each pod was truly impressive. These numbers show just how successful and exciting the event was. Our main goal is to help our students grow their skills and follow their passion.

To all our participants, we say a big “Well done!” Your dedication is truly commendable. Keep exploring, keep dreaming big, and reach for the stars. Apni Pathshala is cheering you on every step of the way! 🌟

Apni Pathshala’s Exciting Portfolio Competition!