If learning pods work in the USA, they can work in India too.
If learning pods work in the USA, they can work in India too. Adapting the concept could benefit Indian education systems greatly.
Using ChatGPT at ApniPathshala to make students future-ready !
Using ChatGPT at ApniPathshala to prepare students for the future!
FAQs about ApniPathshala by Dr. Malpani
Dr. Malpani, Founder Apni Pathshala, seeks NGO partners to provide self-guided learning centers where children can explore online resources independently.
How to Create a Successful Learning Pod: Step-by-Step Guide
Establishing a successful learning pod begins with clarifying your goals, selecting a curriculum, creating conducive spaces, fostering a supportive learning environment, taking on the role of a teacher, and inviting like-minded families to join in.