Apni Pathshala

Success Story of Apnipathshala’s Computer Learning Centre at Yusuf Meherally Centre

Yusuf Meherally Centre, Digital education in India, Apnipathshala, its skills

Sapno ka sheher”. That’s what they call Mumbai, don’t they? In 1961, one such “sapna” was seen: The Yusuf Meherally Centre! (spoiler alert- it is now a reality). 

It was started with a mission to change lives through education. Over the period of time, this dream has spread its wings- going from merely education to digital education in India, reaching the hearts of children across eight states in India. Today, it stands as a pillar of hope, especially in the small village of Bhadreshwar in Kutch, Gujarat, where it has been transforming lives since 1996.

Women working on computers at Yusuf Meherally Centre, that focuses on digital education in India

The story of hope!

With a degree in mass communications and no such plan of going into the field of social service, walking on destiny’s path, Mr. Dharmendra Kumar joined the Centre in 2001. He didn’t come alone. He brought a passion with him- a passion for change. The Centre welcomed children who would otherwise be lost in the shadows—kids of salt factory workers, fishermen, migrants, and industrial laborers. For these children, education wasn’t just a right, it was like a light of hope in a world that often felt dark.

Imagine a place where education is completely free, where the only cost is the willingness to learn. That’s what Yusuf Meherally Centre offers to over 3,000 students- 1,000 of whom are Hindi speakers and the rest Gujarati. 

But this story isn’t just about numbers, it’s about dreams. It’s about passion. It’s about using that passion to turn those dreams into reality.

Bridging the Digital Gap with Apnipathshala

As we all know in today’s world, technology plays a huge role in our lives. Digital education in India is the need of the hour. Basically, it won’t be wrong to say that it has become our whole life. As the center started in their early days, they noticed a problem: many government schools had computers, but they weren’t being used. Power cuts, no trained teachers, and other issues were quite frequent. Basically, these computers were just for the show. Nothing more. To fix this, the center teamed up with Apnipathshala to bring computer education to villages where kids had never even used a keyboard before. With this partnership, they targeted a village where the population is good (around 8000) with a total of 8 schools. Initially, they only taught the government-based curriculum, but with changing times they adapted to the change- teaching about new IT skills.

Discussing providing kids with access to computers, if we don’t talk about Ms. Neeta Acharya, would be a great injustice. Every day, she travels 50 kilometers to learn and then teach computer skills to kids. For 1.5 hours, these kids, in batches of 35-40, are not just learning how to use a computer, they’re learning to dream.

From Co-Education to Social Message

Also, Yusuf Mehrally Centre is just not limited to educating kids on computers and IT skills. They are doing work beyond that as well. In a village where co-education was not quite accepted and popular, the center is bringing in the change. They understand that these children will one day step into a world where working with both genders is a necessity. To make sure that they don’t get nervous, they brought co-education in their learning pod.  By encouraging boys and girls to learn together, they’re building a future where gender is not a barrier but a bridge.

If we talk about the area, this village is like many others in India mix of communities where most parents have little to no formal education. Farming, labor work, and military service are the usual and basic means to live life. For many parents, schooling looks pointless because they believe their children will end up doing the same jobs they did. But the Centre is slowly changing this mindset. And that is where their real success lies.

Every Saturday, the center becomes a place for interaction and learning. Parents come along with their kids, and there’s no formal teaching on this day. Instead, older kids teach the younger ones. It’s a wonderful exchange where building leadership and confidence in these young minds is seen as the main goal. Through these children, the organization also spreads subtle yet powerful messages about important issues like alcohol addiction and domestic violence. They’re raising a generation of kids who think beyond the walls of classes.

Success Story from Bhadreshwar

Success stories aren’t just about grades or certificates, they’re about real change. And that is what Yusuf Mehrally Center aims at. And, their efforts don’t go into the pits. See this example of a young boy, the son of a truck driver, who became a perfect example of what education can do. He didn’t just learn and do well at the Centre, he started teaching other students too. At the center, in his school, at his home. His success wasn’t just his own, it was a win for the whole village. Everyone celebrated him, his name was on every WhatsApp status, and his parents’ proud tears told a lot more things than words could ever say. It was a moment when people realized that change wasn’t just a dream, it was happening right in front of them!

Also, he isn’t just the only one. There are five other kids like him, who once sat in the classroom as just students but now also play the role of teachers and mentors. They are living proof of what the Centre believes: educate a child, and you change a life. And when you change one life, you sow the seed of transforming many such lives.

Students at Yusuf Meherally Centre posing for a picture with the management out there

Overcoming Challenges 

The road to success isn’t always easy. Challenges are bound to come, that’s inevitable. But, the real success lies in how well you manage it all. Similar has been the case with Yusuf Meherally Centre. Spreading the importance of digital education in India wasn’t that easy.

Initially, they faced violent protests from villagers who feared that education would disrupt their traditional ways of life. They thought if their children would be educated, then their business would go down. It wasn’t easy to make them understand. It took a lot of time and patience to earn their trust. Another challenge was that after the pandemic, kids were more diverted and distracted, as mentioned by Mr. Kumar. Their attention span has gone low and sometimes, they think they know everything (even more than the teachers).  But the Centre is not in any mood to give up. They are aiming to counsel these kids and help them see the value in what they’re learning. 

Mr. Dharmendra Kumar, who initially came to help the village during a devastating earthquake in 2001, stayed on. He found his calling here. During the interview, Mr. Kumar told about his inspiration as well- Mr. G.G. Parikh, the chairman of this organization, who is more than 100 years old, was once a freedom fighter. Mr. Parikh, in this age as well, works more than around 14 hours a day. If this doesn’t inspire you, I don’t know what will!

Giving it back to the community

As mentioned above, every person who works at the Yusuf Meherally Centre is not just teaching computer skills, they are teaching the importance of giving back. Giving it back to the community they came from. During our conversation, Mr. Dharmendra also shared one thing about the course of web designing that Ms. Neeta Acharya does, which costs around Rs. 4500. And this is a lot of money for people in rural areas. Keeping everything in mind, they make sure to provide free education to the kids out there. They only charge a nominal fee of Rs. 100 for a certificate, making sure that the children feel valued and not left behind due to their circumstances.

Talking about future plans, he said that every Sunday, they are planning to show inspiring documentaries and movies like “Swades,” encouraging children to realise their duty toward society. The dream is that these kids will grow up to contribute in ways big and small, using the skills they’ve learned to make their world a better place.

A long way to go: No plans to stop!

They know there’s still a long way to go. They dream of expanding to nearby districts, reaching more children, and more hearts.

When asked if they consider their work a success, he humbly said, “We’re on the way to it.” Success, for them, is not a destination but a journey. A journey where once-shy children now come forward, ready to be featured in documentaries, eager to tell their stories.

The Yusuf Meherally Centre is more than just a place of learning. It’s where the most ignored children are given the tools to dream and to achieve. It’s where education is not just about books and exams but about building a future where every child feels valued, and ready to take on the world. 

This is not just a success story. it’s a story of hope, resilience, and the incredible power of education to change lives, one child at a time!

Success Story of Apnipathshala’s Computer Learning Centre at Yusuf Meherally Centre
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