Apni Pathshala

Success Story of  Apnipathshala’s computer learning centre at Yuva Jagriti Sansthan

Success Story of Apnipathshala’s computer learning centre at Yuva Jagriti Sansthan

12 years ago, in a small village near Alwar, Rajasthan, something special started. Back then, when the village’s condition wasn’t great, and people’s mindset was set hundreds of years back. Many saw no future beyond government jobs or labor work, unaware of the opportunities that the IT sector could bring.

But all of that began to change- thanks to one man and his dream, Mr. Gokul Saini. His dream is to see every kid from the village live with heads up high. His dream to empower the backward community and see them in the front row. In a country where a government job is considered as the ultimate aim for the majority, he took a leap to tell them about a life that exists beyond it- the importance of digital literacy in rural areas. He was working in a secure government job, but something didn’t feel right. “Life was limited to a room”, the founder Mr. Gokul Saini said. His job involved typing all day, but deep down, he knew he had more to offer. The idea of giving back to his community burned inside him.

So in 2010, he left his job. And that’s how, ladies and gentlemen, with just one computer and a big heart, Yuva Jagriti Sansthan was formed!

One Step at a Time

At first, it wasn’t easy. The people in the village, especially those from backward communities, were not sure. Many thought that IT was only for the wealthy or those fluent in English. But the organization wasn’t ready to give up. “People didn’t believe us,” Mr. Saini admitted. “They wondered why I’d leave a good government job if I had real opportunities to offer.”

But he kept pushing forward. The vision? To give back to the community he came from by promoting skill development in rural India. And, that is by making IT education accessible to the children of Rajasthan and making them at par with the ones in the city. 

It wasn’t like they started with some big numbers. There were only 40 students at first. But the results? Mind Blowing! Can you imagine that 32 of them- the first batch, went on to secure some prestigious government jobs? With the aura this profession has, this success set the stage for something bigger. That was the canon event. That was the moment things began to shift. The villagers started seeing the potential of IT education in rural areas.

Students working on computers at Yuva Jagriti Sansththan’s learning centre. This promotes skill development in rural India.

From 40 to 200 students: The Story of Growth

What began in Alwar soon reached Behror. From there, Yuva Jagriti Sansthan began to grow. Today, it reaches out to around 150-200 students each month. But, how do they connect with children? They conduct monthly meetings with self-help women’s groups and community gatherings to spread the word. They invite children, studying in classes from 5th to higher education, to learn new IT skills like digital marketing, cybersecurity, and even new AI tools like ChatGPT. Also, they don’t hold onto old practices and skills. Yuva Jagriti Sansthan has always been committed to keeping up with the latest trends in IT education. The world in 2010 is totally different from 2024, and the learning pod has grown and evolved accordingly. The focus has shifted from theory-based education to practical skills, ensuring that students are well-trained to survive in today’s job market. 

Imagine all of this happening in a small district of a place that is known for its stereotypes that include people having a colonial approach and backward mindset against women.

Also, another wholesome moment that the founder shared was, that the children who once couldn’t hold a computer mouse are now confidently typing, drawing, and even creating Excel sheets and Word files. Once the kids who thought they could never match the pace of the world, are now able to realize their potential and skills. They no longer feel underconfident and realize that they don’t need perfect English to thrive in the IT world. Isn’t that the best part?

Due to their persistent efforts, Yuva Jagriti Sansthan was also noticed by our honorable Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi. He connected with around 10-15 people (including women of self-help groups and people from backward communities) from the organization via video conference. 

Overcoming Challenges

Of course, the road to success wasn’t easy. The organization was bound to face roadblocks, but then it’s easy for who? One of the biggest challenges was convincing the villagers to believe in IT. As already mentioned above, at first the people of rural Rajasthan were not ready to believe him. For them, the career choice was only limited to government jobs or the army, or being a labour. That’s it. So, it was very difficult to gain that trust and change the typical & limited thought process.

Another challenge was the lack of proper infrastructure. Frequent power cuts meant that teaching had to continue even without computers. But you what was the best part? Even before our prime minister advocated this line- “Aapda ko awsar mei badalna”, Yuva Jagriti Sansthan implemented it. Even during these electricity cuts, classes didn’t stop. They continued teaching on slates and blackboards. Moreover, to make everything even more interesting, the students were taught through creative activities—paper cutting, project making, and discussions to keep learning on. 

So you see, that despite every block, the most important change was the shift in mindset. Parents who were once doubtful are now sending their kids to learn these crucial skills, even during school vacations. “This is our success,” the founder says proudly. “We’ve been able to change their thinking.

There is no force in the world that can stop a person with passion, perseverance, and confidence- and Yuva Jagriti Sansthan is a living example of this.

Mission 2025!

While Yuva Jagriti Sansthan has come a long way, they’re not in any mood to stop. They have bigger dreams for the future, like Mission 2025– to reach beyond the students and contribute to other sectors as well. This mission aims to teach farmers about agricultural technology. Their main aim is to help them make smarter decisions about their crops based on weather patterns. Given the unpredictability of weather, this may be a game changer for them. Giving them access to technology will also analyze overall market trends as well- market price, better rates, etc. This will help them make informed decisions.

Students having a meeting on IT education with members of Yuva Jagriti Sansthan.

Another goal is to create a platform that connects laborers with employers. Right now, many people in the area spend long hours standing at “Labour Chowk”, hoping to find work. They wait around 14 hours and still don’t get employment. The team at Yuva Jagriti Sansthan wants to change that by using technology to bridge the gap between those looking for work and those who need workers. This way both sides will be satisfied.

Partnering with Apni Pathshala

It won’t be wrong to say that ApniPathshala played a great role in empowering Yuva Jagriti Sansthan. When the organization reached out to them, they didn’t just offer words of encouragement—they listened. ApniPathshala provided them with around 20 computer sets, which, as per the founder, helped them in a great way. The support didn’t stop there. By collaborating with Yuva Jagriti Sansthan, ApniPathshala has helped the learning pod reach a greater audience which helped in a larger impact. 

This isn’t just another one of the NGO success stories. This is the story of determination, grit, and power. This is the story of resilience. This is the story of hard work.“There’s a long way to go,” the founder says. “Our main aim is to give it back to our community. We’re not planning to stop.

Success Story of  Apnipathshala’s computer learning centre at Yuva Jagriti Sansthan
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