Apni Pathshala

From NalaSopara to New Delhi: How Abhinav transformed his life with Apni Pathshala?

“The only limit to our realisation of tomorrow will be our doubts about today” – Franklin D. Roosevelt This is the story of Abhinav Dubey, an 18-year-old college goer who changed his life when he joined Apni Pathshala. He wasn’t just another college student attending classes; he was someone who carried within him a burning passion to learn, grow, and make a difference. Abhinav, with the support from Apni Pathshala, transformed his life from a small start to a successful career in Delhi. Abhinav was born and raised in Nala Sopara, a small town in the suburbs of Mumbai. His father worked tirelessly in a sales job, making ends meet for the family. Despite their financial limitations, Abhinav was always driven by a strong drive to learn. He was a first-year BCA student at Thakur College, eager to learn and make a mark in the world.  But deep down, he knew that attending college wasn’t enough. He wanted more.  He knew that to truly make a difference, he needed more—more skills, more opportunities, more ways to support his family. The experience of joining and learning at Apni Pathshala changed Abhinav’s life for the better. A Life-Changing Experience at Apni Pathshala In 2021, Abhinav took a step that would change his life forever—he joined Apni Pathshala through the Narayana Chandra Trust (NCT) in Mumbai. This wasn’t just another educational program; it was a place where Abhinav felt he could finally start to build the future he dreamed of. Among 120 other eager learners, he found himself diving into the world of computers and web development, something that immediately sparked his interest. But Abhinav wasn’t just another face in the crowd. His passion for learning quickly set him apart from the others. He wasn’t just absorbing information; he was hungry for more, always asking questions, always pushing himself to understand every detail. It wasn’t long before he discovered a special interest in WordPress development. For Abhinav, this wasn’t just about learning a new skill—it was about finding something he could be truly good at, something that could open doors to new opportunities. At Apni Pathshala, Abhinav found more than just a place to study. He found a community that believed in him, mentors who encouraged his curiosity, and peers who shared his enthusiasm. This experience wasn’t just about gaining knowledge; it was about discovering his potential and realizing that he had the power to shape his own future. The skills he learned here weren’t just tools for a job—they were the building blocks of a new life, one where his dreams started to feel within reach. ApniPathshala’s Effort in Helping Abhinav At Apni Pathshala, Abhinav found something truly special—mentors who saw the spark in him and recognized his potential. They didn’t just teach him; they encouraged him to dive deeper, to explore WordPress development more thoroughly. They knew he had something special, and they pushed him to bring it out. Abhinav’s enthusiasm was contagious. As he gained confidence in his skills, he didn’t keep his knowledge to himself. Instead, he started sharing what he had learned with his fellow students, stepping into a leadership role almost naturally. Teaching others wasn’t just about helping them; it was about reinforcing his own learning and growing even more. But Abhinav’s journey didn’t stop at the classroom. He wanted real-world experience, and Apni Pathshala gave him just that. He began working on actual projects, putting his skills to the test. One of the most significant projects he took on was developing the website for BeyondChats. This wasn’t just any project—it was a chance to showcase everything he had learned, to prove to himself and others that he was capable of great things. Through these experiences, Abhinav didn’t just become a skilled developer; he became a leader, someone who could guide others while continuing to grow himself. Apni Pathshala didn’t just give him knowledge—it empowered him to take charge of his own future. Building Dreams and Breaking Myths Abhinav’s journey wasn’t without challenges. There’s a common misconception that WordPress development isn’t a viable career option and that it’s too basic. His work at Apni Pathshala and BeyondChats proved that with dedication and the right skills, WordPress development could lead to a fulfilling and successful career. As he continued to take on more freelance projects, Abhinav’s confidence grew. He completed hundreds of freelance projects, each one honing his skills and building his reputation. His work wasn’t just about earning money; it was about creating something valuable, something that could make a difference.  By the time he graduated, Abhinav had transformed from a curious student into a skilled web developer with a promising career ahead of him. The Success of Abhinav with the Help of Apni Pathshala Today, Abhinav is doing well in Delhi, thriving in a career that once seemed out of reach. His journey from a 12th-grade student at Thakur College to a successful web developer is a symbol of hope for many. He started his journey in a 1RK (one-room kitchen) home in Nala Sopara, with dreams of doing something meaningful.  Today, Abhinav has a stable job in Delhi, working in an industry that he loves. His journey from Nala Sopara to Delhi is proof of what passion, hard work, and the right opportunities can achieve. For college graduates, Abhinav’s story is a reminder that the path to success isn’t always straightforward. It’s filled with challenges, but with determination and the right support, anything is possible.  Abhinav’s journey is an inspiration, not just for students, but for anyone who has ever faced obstacles on their way to achieving their dreams. The Role of Apni Pathshala Apni Pathshala played an important role in Abhinav’s journey. It wasn’t just a place to learn; it was a community that nurtured his talents and provided him with the resources he needed to succeed. The support from the Narayana Chandra Trust Fund was a game-changer for Abhinav, allowing him to pursue his passion At Apni Pathshala, Abhinav found more than

Ritesh’s Remarkable Journey: A 14-year-old who is earning more than college students

“Confidence and hard work are the best medicines to kill the disease called failure. It will make you a successful person.” – Abdul Kalam A story of hard work, passion and dedication that can inspire many kids! This is the story of Ritesh, a boy who discovered a new world of possibilities when he joined Apni Pathshala. Coming from a below-middle-class family, it was challenging for Ritesh to pursue even basic education. This didn’t stop Ritesh from chasing his dreams as these obstacles made him more determined to pursue his passion. Ritesh was a boy in seventh grade who had a dream: to support his family by studying and earning money. Even when facing many challenges, his determination pushed him forward and life gave him a golden chance when he first stepped through the doors of Apni Pathshala, which encouraged him to find the passion within himself and pursue his dreams. Visiting Apni Pathshala: An Experience that Changed His Life Ritesh’s story began at Naryana Chandra Trust Fund in  Mumbai where he first visited Apni Pathshala through an exhibition where students were showing classroom innovations. Ritesh was amazed at the view of students learning what they found interesting. This motivated him to join the Apni Pathshala classroom to start studying in this amazing classroom. Before joining Apnipathshala he did not even know how to use a computer. Soon after, Ritesh enrolled in the Narayana Chandra Trust Fund in the 7th standard. But with constant hard work and eagerness to learn, Ritesh mastered computers. He learned to use Word, Excel, and Canva to design. But Ritesh knew that this was not enough for him to support his family. So, he started learning complex topics like Web Development, Game Development, and WordPress.  Imagine a child in 7th class learning complex topics at the college level! It sounds impossible to accomplish but Ritesh was not giving up. He was eager to learn and he did. With dedicated hard work and support from the Apni Pathshala family, he was able to master these complex topics in just 3-4 months! His quick learning of these skills was nothing short of impressive. Ritesh’s enthusiasm and commitment did not go unnoticed. He completed his initial courses with flying courses, showing remarkable dedication to helping others. He started taking on projects independently and assisting with classroom management. ApniPathshala’s Effort in Helping Ritesh Apni Pathshala recognized Ritesh’s dedication and offered him a unique opportunity. He was paid 1000 rupees per month for his work, helping other students in learning and contributing to a learning community. Despite his young age, Ritesh demonstrated a keen understanding of the subjects he taught. It was during this time that he was not allowed to sit in certain classes due to his fees not being paid because of his struggling family. Ritesh took up the task of paying his fees by completing unfinished projects for Apni Pathshala. This work not only helped him earn money but also made a name for himself in the Naryana Chandra Trust Fund. With his earnings, he was able to pay his fees. Ritesh’s determination was undeniable, as he was approached by NCT officials to be hired as a junior mentor. By the time he reached 8th standard, Ritesh had become a junior mentor at Apni Pathshala, a remarkable achievement for an eighth-grader. This role allowed him to teach a new batch of students. His expertise in web development, video editing, and coding made him a valuable member of the NCT family. Ritesh’s story isn’t over, he is just starting. His passion for learning didn’t stop at coding. He is also deeply interested in ethical hacking, a field he is currently pursuing with excitement. His journey from a curious learner to a full-time mentor sets an example to show the power of education and support.  His story is a motivation of hope and inspiration for many struggling children out there. Today, he helps to achieve the dreams of many Riteshs like him, playing an important role in education, as Apni Pathshala did for him. The Role of Apni Pathshala in Ritesh’s Sucess Apni Pathshala played an important role in Ritesh’s journey. The support and encouragement he received helped him overcome financial and personal challenges. The scholarship from the Narayana Chandra Trust Fund was a game-changer, enabling him to learn alongside college students and gain skills in languages like Java, JavaScript, and HTML. The supportive learning environment at Apni Pathshala provided Ritesh with the tools and opportunities he needed to excel. His story is proof to the impact of a nurturing educational community. All it takes is the courage to take that first step and the determination to see it through. With the right support, like that offered by Apni Pathshala.