Apni Pathshala

Are you a young ambitious teacher who runs tuition classes for low-income students in slums ?

Do you want to use PCs to give your students access to the world’s best educational resources so they can do better in life ?

ApniPathshala.org is looking for computer-savvy tuition teachers, who want to grow , earn more money, and have the capacity to invest Rs 50000 to partner with us.

We will provide you with 5 fully featured PCs at a highly subsidized cost of Rs 50000 only. These are made in India by Selligion ( www.selligion.com) , and designed for education . They come pre-loaded with open-source educational materials and are full-fledged PCs, with a monitor, webcam, ear-phones , and an OS which never gets obsolete .  These aren’t low-cost second hand laptops, even though they cost you much less because of our subsidy. All computers will be covered under a replacement warranty for one year.

This is a great investment, which will allow you to increase your income considerably. For example, if you have 10 students per batch, and teach 4 batches daily, you can charge Rs 1000 per month for each student . This means you can earn Rs 40000 per month, which means you will break even very quickly.

Because you are now able to offer your students a PC with internet access, you will be able to charge a premium, because you now have a competitive edge over the other tuition teachers in your neighbourhood, who still use pen and paper to teach their students.

Also, you will no longer need to feel threatened by the expensive commercial chains of coaching classes such as Allen and Akash, because with the help of the PCs, you will be able to offer a better educational experience than them , because your classes are much smaller, and your teaching is much more personalized !

Why is ApniPathshala doing this ? Because we feel that every kid in India needs a PC to become a productive citizen of our country – we want to make the most of our human capital !

Please email me at malpani@malpaniventures.com if this is of interest.