Apni Pathshala

Boost Learning with Flipped Classroom & Learning Pods

Boost Learning with Flipped Classroom & Learning Pods

learning pods flipped classroom

Why choose the Flipped classroom model?

The flipped classroom model, as its name implies, reverses the two essential learning phases of traditional school classroom-based instruction. In the past, after learning about a new subject in school, students would complete their homework,  to review and revise what they had been taught. In the flipped classroom concept, students learn about the topic in advance, using online resources in the pod, so they are better prepared for the lessons that will be taught the next day in school.

Flexible learning Diverse learning styles are supported by flipped learning because students can select from a wide variety of online resources until they find one that resonates with them. They aren’t stuck with what their school teacher happens to prefer.

Learner-centred In the conventional teacher-centered paradigm, the teacher serves as the main informational source. The Flipped Learning model, in contrast, consciously changes the instructional approach to one that is learner-centered. As a result, students actively contribute to the production of knowledge as they engage in learning personally meaningful ways.

Independent learning Undoubtedly, developing independent study skills is beneficial for all learners. With the flipped classroom strategy, students learn the fundamentals on their own in the pod. They can learn at their own pace and master the art of self-study.

Provide better assistance The ability to make students’ time in the school classroom more engaging is by far the most important advantage of a flipped classroom strategy. This happens because more in-depth discussions take place in class rather than students only passively listening to lectures.

Personalized approach Based on each student’s unique needs, school teachers can tailor how they teach them because they can determine who has understood the material to the fullest, and who may require extra instruction. Students can also learn from each other, to consolidate their understanding.

Engaging lessons Having fun is important because it helps with knowledge retention. Because the student is better prepared, they can answer the teacher’s questions better – and ask their own as well !

Deeper understanding The opportunity for active learning to help students gain a deeper comprehension of the subject at hand is another significant advantage of learning in a flipped classroom. As opposed to lectures or other more passive learning methods, students actively contribute to the creation of the content they learn. Teachers can focus on clearing their doubts if they have any.

The flipped classroom method allows students to learn for themselves in the community pod, so they can shine the next day in school because they are better prepared! This helps to impress the teacher , so they gain an unfair edge over other students, who are passive and wait to be taught.

And finally, the student can review and revise what was taught during school in the pod, so their understanding becomes deeper, and they retain much more of what they need to learn. Thus, the learning pod and the school complement and supplement each other, so that everyone benefits!

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