Apni Pathshala


Graphic of a laptop with graduation cap surrounded by icons of digital devices and learning tools, titled 'Power of Digital Education'. Logo of Apnipathshala is also there.

When you walk into Bal Vikas Montessori School, you see more than just classrooms and chalkboards. You see change. What was once a typical school with basic facilities is now a model school. Thanks to the incredible efforts of Apni Pathshala, which brought a new wave of technology in classrooms.

In just 1.5 years, a revolution took place. And this is their story.

The Beginning of a New Era!

Located in an underprivileged area, Bal Vikas Montessori School primarily educates children from families who cannot afford schooling, let alone digital education. In this environment, Apni Pathshala saw an opportunity to introduce technology in classrooms to these students. By partnering with PRAHO to provide mini-PCs and earphones, they took a huge step forward in digital learning.

Before using digital tools, teachers had to spend many hours creating report cards by hand. This took a lot of time. But with PRAHO’s computers, ApniPathshala made a big change. Now, teachers could easily make report cards on the computer, giving them more time to focus on teaching. This change was just the start of a big transformation!

Empowering Teachers: From Basic Knowledge to Digital Experts

Many of the teachers at Bal Vikas had very little to no experience with technology in classrooms. Most only knew the basics – turning on a computer, typing, and using a mouse. But with ApniPathshala’s learning pods in place, everything started changing. ApniPathshala didn’t just provide the hardware, they provided guidance and a vision. Vision to grow as an individual and build a better future for kids

At first, teachers weren’t sure how to fit computers into their daily work. To help them out, coordinators were assigned. One such coordinator is Ms. Anjali, who handles the whole learning pod in Bal Vikas Montessori School. She told us that every Saturday, she connected with teachers and students to discuss how the week went by. She made sure everyone was making progress and all problems were solved. Little by little, teachers gained confidence. As teachers learned, they helped the children to learn even faster. The change was amazing. These teachers, who once found computers tricky, were now enjoying the whole process.

A New Way of Learning: Digital Education

But the biggest transformation came with the students. And that’s what matters the most, isn’t it? ApniPathshala’s learning pod opened a world of opportunities for the kids. The classes from 1st to 8th were taught at Bal Vidya. Most of them had never touched a computer before. Forget other things—they didn’t even know how to use a mouse! But with PRAHO’s computers, they got introduced to technology in classrooms and these children eventually became confident digital learners.

In the first year, the syllabus was kept simple to help students get comfortable with the basics. By the second year, as their confidence grew, the school upgraded the syllabus. By 7th grade, students were creating email accounts, designing posters on Canva, and even learning no-code website development. 

Students at Bal Vikas Montessori School working on Praho mini computers and getting access to technology in classrooms.

One of the most exciting parts of this journey was the introduction of “BeyondExams” courses. These courses exposed students to content beyond traditional textbooks- AI, Coding, Designing, Excel etc. The kids were thrilled to learn new things. And the best part? They didn’t want to keep this knowledge to themselves. This was one of the most fulfilling moments as their educators for us- they started teaching other children in their community who didn’t have the same access to resources. It became a beautiful cycle of sharing and spreading knowledge. And we couldn’t be more proud!

Fun learning through Games and Interaction

One of the ways ApniPathshala kept the students engaged was by making them learn through games. By introducing fun apps like Duolingo, learning became an exciting activity. Students could play educational games, create their own content, and even help one another understand difficult concepts. The joy of learning was everywhere- from video editing to games that taught them key skills in different subjects. Kids who didn’t like studying subjects like Physics, were now eagerly waiting for their chance to answer.

For complex subjects like maths and social sciences, the teachers were asked to provide the kids some YouTube videos and animated lessons, making these topics more interesting and fun. Instead of just reading and gulping down the words, those kids started to visualise the concepts. This made them understand and learn those difficult topics. This practice eventually reduced the stress and burden of traditional studying.

Students of Bal Vidya Montessori School celebrating children’s day at their school.

What’s the end goal?

ApniPathshala has always aimed for self-sufficiency. “AatmaNirbhar Bharat” . Their goal was simple: teach students enough so they could learn on their own and, even more importantly, pass on their knowledge to others. The coordinators played a key role in making this happen, guiding both teachers and students along the way. As a result, many older students became mentors for the younger ones, helping them with different topics.

Now, the school is full of kids who aren’t just taking knowledge but creating it. They’re designing, coding, and learning valuable skills that will benefit them for life. In fact, these students are now so comfortable with technology in classrooms that they can manage the computer labs and help their mates, even when a teacher isn’t around.

Overcoming Challenges!

Of course, you cannot expect such a change without challenges. Some teachers felt overwhelmed by the new responsibilities and the extra studying. A few even decided to leave. But for most, the joy of seeing their students learn new things was enough to motivate them. “It was a little extra, but we’ll do that for our kids,” one teacher said.

Another challenge was making sure students didn’t just use technology in a passive way. ApniPathshala solved this issue by encouraging creative freedom. Students were inspired to design and create what they want. Whether it was making a poster on Canva, editing videos, or building websites, the message was simple: learn, create, and share!

A Legacy of Learning!

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”Nelson Mandela

Today, Bal Vikas Montessori School is so much more than a place where students memorise facts and pass exams. It’s a place where children dare to dream and lifelong skills are built. Thanks to ApniPathshala’s learning pod, these children are gaining tools that will help them far beyond the four walls of the classroom.

The impact of this transformation is already being felt. ApniPathshala has created an environment where knowledge flows freely, and every child feels empowered to learn and grow.

The partnership between ApniPathshala and PRAHO has shown that with the right support, schools can become the light in the dark for underprivileged communities. Bal Vikas Montessori School is living proof of that transformation.

And in the end, isn’t that what education is all about?

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