Apni Pathshala

As the world moves forward, the education system in India has been struggling to keep up with the changing times. The system, which was built on the industrial age values of uniformity and standardization, is not suited to meet the needs of the modern world. 

ApniPathshala is here to offer a solution to some of the gaps that exist in the Indian education system so that Indian kids do not fall behind. 

  1. Industrial Age Values

The traditional education system in India is still rooted in the industrial age, where students are expected to sit in rows, follow instructions, and memorize information to be regurgitated in exams. ApniPathshala, on the other hand, promotes skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, and collaboration. By focusing on these skills, learning pods prepare students for the demands of the 21st-century workplace, which requires adaptability, innovation, and teamwork.

  1. Lack of Autonomy and Control

One of the biggest issues with the Indian education system is the lack of autonomy and control that students have over their education. Students are expected to follow a strict curriculum that is predetermined by the education board. ApniPathshala, however, provides students with more freedom over what they want to learn, because they aren’t bound down by a fixed curriculum. The point of the internet is they can explore what excites and interests them! They can choose the topics they want to learn, the pace at which they want to learn, and the style of learning that suits them best. This not only improves their motivation and engagement but also helps them develop self-regulation and decision-making skills.

  1. Inauthentic Learning

The Indian education system is often criticized for its emphasis on rote learning and memorization. This type of learning is inauthentic and does not prepare students for the real world. Our learning pods offer a solution to this problem by providing hands-on, experiential learning experiences. This type of learning allows students to apply their knowledge in real-world situations, making their learning stickier and more relevant. By teaching the other kids in the pod, they reinforce what they have learned!

  1. No Room for Passions and Interests

The Indian education system is highly focused on academic achievement and rarely allows students to pursue their passions and interests. ApniPathsala, on the other hand, allows students to explore and pursue their interests in a more personalized environment. With the help of the adult managing the pod, and in partnership with parents, expert guides, and their friends, students can design their own learning paths, including their interests and passions. This inspires students to learn more and helps in the development of well-rounded individuals who are more likely to succeed in life.

  1. Differences in How We Learn

Every student learns differently, and the Indian education system often fails to cater to these differences. Our Learning pods offer a solution to this problem by providing personalized learning experiences that cater to the individual needs of students. This ensures that each student receives an education that is tailored to their unique learning style.

  1. Lecturing

The traditional lecture-based teaching approach has been the backbone of the Indian education system for a long time. However, it is widely accepted that this approach has significant limitations, particularly in terms of engaging students and promoting active learning. ApniPathshala offers a more personalized and interactive approach to learning. After watching videos created by world-class teachers on any topic which interests them, students can work closely with their friends, engaging in discussions, debates, and problem-solving exercises. This approach encourages active participation and helps students develop critical thinking skills.

  1. Lack of Social-Emotional Learning

Peer learning is an effective way for students to learn from each other and develop social and emotional skills. Unfortunately, the Indian education system has limited opportunities for peer learning, with most classrooms being designed to suit the teacher’s convenience. It’s the teacher who does all the lecturing, while students are forced to be passive. No wonder they get bored!  ApniPathshala, on the other hand, offers ample opportunities for peer learning. Students can work together on projects, assignments, and presentations, and provide feedback and support to each other. This helps students develop critical social and emotional skills.

  1. Domination of Private Tuition

Private tuition has become a dominant feature of the Indian education system, with many students attending private coaching classes outside of school hours. This trend has many negative consequences, including the exacerbation of inequality and the over-dependence on being taught. Our learning pods can offer an alternative to private tuition, providing students with additional support and guidance without the need for expensive coaching classes. The personalized attention and tailored self-learning methods of our pods are far more effective than passive tuition classes. 

  1. Disadvantaged Poor Children 

Another major gap in the Indian education system is the fact that children from poor families are left out. Poverty, lack of infrastructure, and social discrimination are some of the key factors that contribute to this problem. Poor children are often forced to drop out of school due to financial constraints, or because they need to work to support their families. Apniapthshala helps fill this gap by providing an affordable and accessible learning option for poor children. Our learning pods can be set up in communities where there is a lack of infrastructure and can provide a safe space for children to learn and socialize, which is particularly important for those from marginalized communities.

How ApniPathshala fills the gaps in the Indian Education System

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